PCOD Fullform
PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) or PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) has invaded the female world.
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PCOD-Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment |
PCOD- Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
It is a major disease affecting a large proportion of young women in India right now. PCOD strikes mostly at a young age, and therefore, a large number of adults get into this problem. This is a common endocrine disorder of unknown etiology, affecting 5-10% of women of childbearing age. The average age group affected by PCOD varies between 18 and 45 years. It is important for young people to understand the disease in its early stages, as well as its causes and effects in the future.
PCOD is characterized by numerous small cysts in the ovaries. It causes the ovary to expand and leads to the overproduction of the hormones androgen and estrogen which cause various bodily disorders.
Causes of PCOD
The cause of PCOD is unknown. However, a combination of PCOD with low levels of inflammation, excess insulin, high hormone production (Hyperandrogenism), and genes may be found. Also, menopause, an unhealthy lifestyle, and pollution are some of the things that contribute to PCOD.
Symptoms of PCOD
- Note these common symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Disorder:
- Abnormal periods, occurring every 2 to 3 months (amenorrhea)
- Heavy bleeding (Menorrhagia)
- Abnormal growth of body and facial hair (hirsutism)
- Stubborn acne that refuses treatment with conventional medicine. This is due to the excess androgen of the border.
- Uncontrolled weight gain especially in the waist in particular
- Male baldness
- Headache
A person may be thin or have clear skin but still suffer from PCOD. This is because it is an endocrine disorder that affects several systems in the body. However, the main pathology after the disease is Insulin Resistance and hyperinsulinemia. Insulin regulates blood sugar. Insulin resistance means the inability of cells to respond to the action of insulin in transporting sugar (sugar) from the blood to tissues and other tissues. So pancreas produces more insulin to fight high sugar.
Problems of PCOD
Uncontrolled PCOD can lead to many complications such as pregnancy complications, an increased risk of the onset of type 2 diabetes. Patients with PCOS who become pregnant are at greater risk for perinatal complications such as gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia. In addition, they have increased the long-term risk of endometrial cancer. Other problems include increased cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and breast cancer.
PCOD treatment
- The solution is still pending for PCOD. The disease must be controlled by lifestyle changes. And a variety of methods are needed, including a dietitian, gynecologist, endocrinologist, dermatologist, and obstetrician-gynecologist.
- A great way to manage and manage PCOD by ensuring proper weight management. Even losing 5% of weight can go a long way in treating the disease. Therefore, PCOD patients should exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet.
- Food should be low in sugar and carbohydrates. High protein and high fiber diets are recommended for patients with PCOD.
- Other treatments may be based on symptoms. Here are some ways:
- Medications are available to treat insulin resistance and dosage hormones to correct menstrual cycles.
- Remedies are available for acne, pigmentation, and hair growth.
- Oral and injectable medications are available to induce ovulation and crack the egg to improve fertility.
- Other cases may require second-line treatment such as aromatase inhibitors, laparoscopic surgery, or ovarian resection.
- Often, PCOS is treated aggressively in patients who intend to become pregnant. Adolescent patients are treated with hormones and metformin for periodic activity and insulin resistance.
- It should be noted that no medication or line of treatment will help without proper lifestyle changes.
PCOD and pregnancy
Pregnancy is not a problem if PCOD is controlled. However, poor management of the disease may require medication or assisted reproductive technology (ART) from the perspective of obstetricians.
It should also be noted that people with PCOD have the less ovarian capacity to be able to produce healthy eggs. Therefore, they are advised to choose a pregnancy early if they want children because growing age adversely affects egg quality.
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