Apply These 6 Secret Techniques To Improve DOMAINS OF CARE OF ELDERLY

 Domains of importance to the quality of life for Elderly people

Six domains of care of the elderly consider important for their Quality of Life.

In order of importance (highest to low):

1.feeling safety and travel

3.Independent, close

4.Visual resources

5. awareness and recognition

6.Social and cultural life.

Domains of Elder care
Domains of Elder care

1.Hearing Safety

  Feeling safe is not something we always talk about. However, when you think about it, most of

us would say that we feel generally safe for the care of the elderly. Universal Experience. Safety can be defined as

freedom from injury or injury. Therefore, feeling secure means that you do not expect injury or

injury, spiritually, or physically.

2.Health and Travel

It is often referred to as a management concept, related to funding for medical care:

hospital admission occurs when a patient seeks access to medical care in a region other

than that of residential, i.e., that of a regional health system enrollment.

3. Independent, close

In its simplest form, independence is about the ability of a person to act in accordance with

his or her own values ​​and interests. Derived from ancient Greek, this word means'

self-discipline 'or' self-control in order to do these things, an independent person must

have a sense of self-worth and self-respect. Do you have an elderly person in your area

who needs help? Older people should be taken out so that they can live a happy life.,

which in turn helps that they feel that they are being elderly care.

4.Visual resources

  Resources were partially determined by employment but this was not important for financial

well-being. Low levels of resources have had a negative impact on adult satisfaction.

5. Awareness and Recognition

Self-esteem is defined as “how we value ourselves”; it affects our trust and relationships

throughout life. A person with low self-esteem may feel powerless and unworthy of himself.

In addition, low self-esteem acts as a risk factor for depression, which is more common

in older people in developed and developing countries, causing more behavioral changes

and can increase the risk of depression and suicide in older people.

6.Social and Cultural life.

Culture contains beliefs, values, objects, and other characteristics that are common to

members of a particular group or community. Thus, culture encompasses many aspects

of society: language, culture, values, norms, morals, laws, tools, technologies, products,

organizations, and institutions.

Social and emotional experiences change over the years. Important and important

social partners are retained, additional social obligations are discarded, and anger and

grief are frequently experienced. The positive effects remain very stable, declining only

in some subjects among the oldest.

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